Board & Staff

Learn about our board members by hovering over their names to see their bios!

Board of Directors

Jeryl Schriever, President, Castine, ME & Sarasota, FL
Andrew Oldman, Vice President, Blue Hill, ME
David S. Glaser, Treasurer, Cape Elizabeth, ME
Harry Saunders, Secretary, Southwest Harbor, ME & Atlanta, GA

Sharon Broom, Bar Harbor, ME
Sam Coplon, Mt. Desert, ME
Barbara Fox, Bar Harbor, ME
Danny Harper, Seal Cove, ME
Paul Kalenian, Northeast Harbor, ME
E. Hewlett Kent, Northeast Harbor, ME & Palm Beach, FL
Kathleen Koch, Trenton, ME
Roberto Rodriguez, Windsor, VT
Ed Samek, Southwest Harbor, ME
Harry Saunders, Southwest Harbor, ME & Atlanta, GA
John Urbanek, Bar Harbor, ME
David White, Kennebunk, ME


The Board meets four times a year, and as needed. Future Dates TBD


Mike Staggs
Executive Director



Bill Barter
Curator of Collections



Peter Brown
Senior Mechanic



Marcia McFarland
Membership/Visitor Services/Collection Care Manager



David Parker
Museum Associate



Dick Rand
Museum Associate



David Nichols
Museum Associate